Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So, I decided to finally take the plunge and open up a lamp tonight.  Since I got a replacement Heritage Century, and the globe on the 1st one was excellent in terms of glass quality (few star lights, and no smearing/smudges), I decided to try a transplant of that pink/blue premier that has foggy smears on it.  

Had a few questions though...1st off has anyone had any issues (healthwise) from the fumes?  The wax kind of has this funny smell to it...not really offensive or bad, but just odd.  Got questioned by my parents (of course) and was just curious. 

2nd, Do I cap hot or cold?  There seemed to almost be a slight vacuum when I was loosening the caps, so I'm thinking they were capped hot?  Or does it not really matter?  They (parents) are concerned its going to pop the top from pressure build up (which I don't see happening....I would think a beer would have more pressure from the carbonation than an LL, even when hot and the caps hold there...

Lastly, what are some tips for getting the gunk out of the bottoms of the globes?  I'd like to clean up the original pink/blue globe and try to maybe goo kit it, but want to make damn sure I get whatever was causing those foggy smears off before refilling it.  I didn't seem to have much trouble getting the heritage globe clean, just a few swirls of hot water and the little wax that did stick to the side from pouring came right off.  Had it crystal clear from just doing this a few times.  But the other one has blue wax and/or dye stuck on the very bottom...it will not budge.  Thinking I need a long bottle brush but wanted to find out before I hunt one down. 

If anyone wants that heritage century wax for experimentation just let me know.  Its yours for the price of shipping (approx. $5).  Otherwise I probably will toss it.  I kept the fluid for now, might try to reuse that down the road. 

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I'm not exactly sure what's in the newer ones, but when I worked on my early 90s aristocrat, I did it in the garge with the door open just to be safe. I didn't expect the terrible smell. The only other lamp I opened was a 98 astro, and the smell wasn't nearly as bad. So, I'm thinking newer lamps are less toxic. I capped my aristocrat hot because when I opened it while cold, I heard air rush in. Then I capped my astro cold, because that is what's shown on mathmos's production video. I don't think it really matters, as both have been running just fine. As for cleaning the bottle, I'm not sure, but I think a degreaser would probably help to remove old wax residue.

you should cap the globe while hot.

as for removing residual wax on the inside of the globe, hot water and dish soap has always worked for me.

Finally the weekend is here and I got to fire up this lamp.  Wanted to make sure I would be able to let it get up to temp to cap it and it got too late every night after work for that to happen.

Well I dunno what moving the wax and fluid to another globe did...but the flow outta this thing is amazing now...I''m getting snaking out of a China globe...wth?  Prior to the globe swap all it did was make the classic china flow same size blobs repeatedly.  Now its making snakes, blobs of all different sizes, etc.  I still unfortunately am seeing some haziness on the sides of the globe though...hoping most of it is just on the outside (I haven't cleaned the outside of the globe yet - waiting till it was sealed again) and I know I got some smears on it from handling it but I'm not 100% sure that it is.  This globe was crystal clear before I poured the stuff in...I don't get it.  Could it just be the way the pink fluid refracts the light maybe?  ITs definitely better than the other one was though. 

I capped crimped the cap after it was on for about 5 hours and flowing for a good 2 and a half hours...that should have been up to temp right?  Or do you think I capped it too soon?  Also how tight do you typically go on the hose clamp?  I didn't want to go too tight for fear of cracking the glass...I basically went until the cap didn't turn freely anymore when the clamp was removed.  I'm not sure I got 100% even crimp though...does that matter as long as it doesn't spin?

Any idea on why the flow changed so dramatically?  Is it because of the little bit of fluid or wax that got lost in transit?  Doesn't seem that teeny amount would matter though. 

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