Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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You should have bought this filter instead:


No carbon, and it is the fastest filter (when cleared of air bubbles, otherwise it is slow)

Jeff said:

Just bought this filter....should be ok as long as I don't use the carbon granules right? 


Also, any tips on uncapping/recapping this thing?  Has anyone done it yet?  Main concerns are getting the cap off w/o cracking the neck...and then w/ recapping at what point to recap...so its not too hot and ends up sucking in the stopper when it cools...or too cold and ends up creating a geyser when it heats.

They are capped cold (room temp) in the factory.

Jeff said:

That's how I capped my smaller globes as well.  I'm pretty sure I read on here somewhere that someone capped a Grande this way and had the stopper sucked in as it was cooling...which is my concern.  If a Grande did that I'm sure  Colossus is going to.  And if there's that big a pressure difference then capping it cold isn't going to work either...assuming its got to be done somewhere mid-cycle.

Don't recap it with the rubber plug find another way. The rubber plugs deteriorate over time anyhow, and I have seen bits of the rubber plug wind up in the wax. I usually reseal with a cut piece of 1/4 - 3/8 acrylic cut to size. I silicone this down to the bottle top and then use a piece of shrink rubber over that.

The filtering project has begun.  Globe is almost empty.  Been pumping for about 40 minutes.  Using an old mini fountain pump to pump it out into 5 gal buckets.  Not the fastest but its getting the job done. The real fun is gonna be all the manual pumping back into the globe via the filter though :(

best of luck, jeff!  keep us posted.

Just got done about an hour ago....and warming up 1st time.  So far so good...it just spiked and I can actually see it!!!  ITs very clear now...I can read text through it too.  There will be pics...I just have to get them all off my phone.  Now as long as I didn't screw up the chemistry of the lamp and it doesn't cloud up again, I'll be happy.  I did end up adding about 1 red solo cup full of distilled water, to compensate for some that got lost in filtering, tubing,. etc, and also to use at the very end to help flush the surf from the filter.  Hopefully that won't be too much to throw it off. 

I can't wait to see the results. If it still runs well I will filter mine too.

Jeff said:

Just got done about an hour ago....and warming up 1st time.  So far so good...it just spiked and I can actually see it!!!  ITs very clear now...I can read text through it too.  There will be pics...I just have to get them all off my phone.  Now as long as I didn't screw up the chemistry of the lamp and it doesn't cloud up again, I'll be happy.  I did end up adding about 1 red solo cup full of distilled water, to compensate for some that got lost in filtering, tubing,. etc, and also to use at the very end to help flush the surf from the filter.  Hopefully that won't be too much to throw it off. 

One cup of distilled should not throw off that volume of lamp fluid. I can't believe you could filter that much fluid in such a short time....was that a 1 micron filter?

Jeff said:

Just got done about an hour ago....and warming up 1st time.  So far so good...it just spiked and I can actually see it!!!  ITs very clear now...I can read text through it too.  There will be pics...I just have to get them all off my phone.  Now as long as I didn't screw up the chemistry of the lamp and it doesn't cloud up again, I'll be happy.  I did end up adding about 1 red solo cup full of distilled water, to compensate for some that got lost in filtering, tubing,. etc, and also to use at the very end to help flush the surf from the filter.  Hopefully that won't be too much to throw it off. 


What is wrong with your red clear? Looks fine in the pics I have seen of it.

Autumn said:

I can't wait to see the results. If it still runs well I will filter mine too.

Jeff said:

Just got done about an hour ago....and warming up 1st time.  So far so good...it just spiked and I can actually see it!!!  ITs very clear now...I can read text through it too.  There will be pics...I just have to get them all off my phone.  Now as long as I didn't screw up the chemistry of the lamp and it doesn't cloud up again, I'll be happy.  I did end up adding about 1 red solo cup full of distilled water, to compensate for some that got lost in filtering, tubing,. etc, and also to use at the very end to help flush the surf from the filter.  Hopefully that won't be too much to throw it off. 

Its a 0.2 micron filter.  It only took about an hour of pumping total...well almost 2 hrs counting pumping out the lamp first.  Its a fast filter.  Rated at 1 quart per minute.

So far so good...was flowing when I woke up about 6am and that was it for sleep for me....its AMAZING.  Pics and 2 short vids will be uploaded later today. 

sweet dude!

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