Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here is my boy Floyd who i rescued after my other cat passed away. Hes a mix of a GQ model and Baby Huey, just a big dumb animal lol.

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She is adorable. We rescued Retro from the street, showed up at the door one day and stayed. He was chipped, but they never looked for him nor wouldn't answer when the shelter called. So we volunteered to take him.

Claude J said:

Here is Chithead~!

She's a barn cat rescue that had to be bottle fed she was so small when she wandered into my garage


She is responsible for crashing 3 lamps to date

all of 8 mine are rescues (one is offspring)

Yeah, its a zoo

Chithead wasnt alone

She brought her sister Maggie with her

Who needs smart when you're that handsome???
Those kittens are so cute. Chithead....priceless!


Then there is Princess who blew up to a super-sized cat when i got her fixed

With all of the rescued kitties I realized I didn't share the story of this little scamp.  He was a stray that stumbled up to our door just skin and bones, maybe not even 8 weeks old.  My wife took him in and now 9 months latter he is nice and healthy.  My son named him Mosley (after a few days of *her* being named Rosey)

Keith said:

Bought a side table to put a Grande on, confiscated by new kitty before I could even clean it up!


This is Lenny.  I was installing sliding drawers in the cabinets for the wife and he had to help.

This is Lenny & Retro getting teased.

By this little girl stealing bird seed out back.

Lenny, Them there sum big catz..

And then there is "Big Guy" A.K.A. the ol-man
He was abandoned by a family that moved from equine ranch we lived on in Hanover IL 5 yrs ago
Took a while for him to come in and warm up to us

We thought we lost him here, he disappeared for 6 months over a winter 04 then came back spring of 05
Hair was matted and had to have him shaved
as you can seem, he is NOT too happy about it

Sophie the golden doodle (left) and Riley the golden (right)... they're actually fighting over a bone in this picture. Sophie was inherited from a deceased family member and Riley we rescued 2 years ago this October. 

That is a wonderful picture!

sweet looking pair of best friends

Thanks - they are super attached. It is hard to remember that one came before the other anymore. :) 

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