Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi. I recently spotted a Mathmos Lunar with red wax on Gumtree, poorly listed but apparently still available, collection only for an incredible £40. I was so chuffed (extremely pleased) that the seller (Joanne) was actually willing to post this thing to me (too far to go and collect from Somerset and I am in London) so I was happy to give her £20 for the postage and an extra £20 for her trouble (I knew I had nabbed a once in a lifetime super bargain). Paid her through a PayPal on 21 October. After a week, still no Lunar despite several texts between us. I asked for a tracking number and she said she would get this to me. Since then, no tracking number, no answering of texts and when I phoned her today (Friday) line just went dead after about 10 rings. She must have cut me off. Clearly now being super evasive maybe she became aware of what she actually had and it's true value. I even asked her just to be honest. Keep the money even, just let me know, was there ever a lamp and did you actually post it? It's the not knowing. Meanwhile, if she has scammed me, bloody cheek! Keeping my 80 quid and leaving me on tenterhooks as to whether I will ever get this 'Too good to be true Lunar'.

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Had a UK seller on ebay do this to me.  Won a jet at a crazy low price and then he would not commit to sell. Had to get ebay involved and got my funds back, but really wanted the jet.  Good luck with all this.

Hi, there is a Gumtree resolution centre http://help.gumtree.com/articles/General_Information/Reporting-issu... I've never used it though, and don't know how good it is. Unfortunately, I suspect the best it will do is get you your money back rather than the lamp.

Hey thanks for your support and input here guys.

Yes I've started the resolution process thinking the whole story I set out was going to Paypal. In actual fact, it got emailed to the 'seller'. Oops! Good thing I didn't say anything too disparaging. She now doubt will continue to ignore me. I may as well escalate this already.

Go for it bro, the truth will set you free!

Paypal won't mess around with the seller.  You should get your money back pretty quickly.

Yes thanks Kirk. Some people are heartless, she clearly doesn't know what owning a Lunar means to most of us Gooers. Maybe she later became aware of the potential, fair enough, sell it on for a more realistic price, just give me back my £80 quid. The annoying thing is, I even gave her a little extra for her trouble. Too good to be true!

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