Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've got a blue/white giant globe that I absolutely love, but its got a hairline crack in the globe. I want to transfer the contents to a grande globe that I have but im worried that the thinner glass might affect how the lamp acts. Should I focus on finding a giant globe for the transfer or should I go ahead with the grande switch? 

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my concern is how you will remove the wax? if the bottle is heated up and the crack could spread of completely break the bottle.

id be inclined while cold remove the fluid first, the maybe tape of the the crack before heating the glass to pour the melted wax out. Some a while showed a picture of the giant i do believe where the bottle burst leaving a right ole mess across the floor 

Finding a giant globe may be a challenge.  I would do the transfer if it were mine, just make sure the grande globe is in good shape.   Some grande globes have uneven glass, not to mention inclusions (air bubbles in the glass)

A decent grande globe should be fine but its transferring the wax from the giant globe I would be careful about. Tapeing up the crack and heating the wax just enough for the transfer would be my recommendation as you don't want the globe to completely brake in the process.

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