Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

new version of Mathmos' Telstar in matt black and copper

Mathmos announced a new version of the telstar, still one of the best designs of them, but this one is not convincing.

It looks like the millenium Telstar, but in matt black and copper.

Not my taste, and not worth 77 Pounds.

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Oh nice! never seen it, I don't get why Mathmos cant sell those in the US. They did at one point.

It’s a shame, I mean, Lava Lites are available here in the UK so why not Mathmos in the States?

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Oh nice! never seen it, I don't get why Mathmos cant sell those in the US. They did at one point.

Mathmos hates LL and doesnt want to deal with their copyright BS. LL owns the lava lamp shape so they come after Mathmos when they try to sell in the US.

Hope LL goes out of business with all the damn ownership changes.  There is nothing new and fresh coming from LL, and the workmanship/ materials are crap.  One good thing out of this scenerio, Mathmos would be able to sell in the US once and for all.  Guess we will see.

    This lamps colors are way off which makes the lamp look cheap.  Pass! 

You can slap lipstick on pig (aka LL) and dress it up in all different colors doesn't mean its still not a pig. LL quality is junk, Mathmos is quality. I'll take that over color options any day.

LOL, true dat!

Dr. WHAT?! said:

You can slap lipstick on pig (aka LL) and dress it up in all different colors doesn't mean its still not a pig. LL quality is junk, Mathmos is quality. I'll take that over color options any day.

You're right, all this copper and black shit is annoying, some new goo colors would be phantastic.

doddy said:

At least LL release colourful designs that capture the imagination and gain sales.
The only thing Mathmos release is the same old colours, boring blacks, chromes and coppers. How about something colourful, bright, to blast those winter blues away.
They have discontinued all the wonderful coloured lamps, jets and fluidiums, and desperately need something to inject some colourful life into the range. Lava lamps are all about Colour! So come on Mathmos ditch the dowdy and bring on the sunshine!

i like the copper and chrome  concept more than the black

I can't say I'm a fan either. I did e-mail mathmos earlier in the year with this image as a suggestion; I would buy this in a heartbeat.

yellow fluid orange wax (or visa versa) is the best combo for anything copper plated

doddy said:

I would buy that. Its stunning. But not plum wax.

besides the poor body colors choice, the problem with mathmos IS the loss of quality of their lava : nothing like it was 10 years ago, today it's no more than the rest of the pask, bubbles going up, cooling then diving.

Get lost mathmos for having destroyed what was the best lava lamps (I own 30 of them, I know what I'm alking about)

mathmos black isn't, it's only dark plum ! I complained with them after the purchase of a black heritage astro with black goo

doddy said:

At least LL release colourful designs that capture the imagination and gain sales.
The only thing Mathmos release is the same old colours, boring blacks, chromes and coppers. How about something colourful, bright, to blast those winter blues away.
They have discontinued all the wonderful coloured lamps, jets and fluidiums, and desperately need something to inject some colourful life into the range. Lava lamps are all about Colour! So come on Mathmos ditch the dowdy and bring on the sunshine!

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