Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I picked up my first Rocket this week....yay!

Wasn't expecting too much, but it's actually in great condition with the exception of a very small patch of corrosion on the cap.

As you can see, although the wax is a little faded looking when cold, it still flows well and has a nice shine to it.

The fluid is actually very clear too, but has a slight yellow tint to it, which makes it look a little murky in my eyes.

Just wondering what the original colours were, and whether the fluid was tinted to begin with, or has it simply discoloured over time?

Sticker states 40w golfball bulb, but I'm using a 30w spot which seems to drive it well enough?


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Looks great!  Wondering if it could be a tad bit cloudy, just enough to cause the murkiness.

Thanks Keith, you're probably right.

I'll cycle it a few times before deciding whether to change the fluid or not.

Definitely needed changing as you could see the cloudiness when held up into the light.

Used fresh water, household salt and a little bubble blowing liquid.

And just for fun....a living jewel/'fuel' Rocket:

far as i can remember they did clear / red and clear / blue, bottle tops were a white plastic type as at the the time jet bottles still used the black Bakelite T type tops till the Jet Glitter bottles came along with the metal screw tops 

Thanks Johnny. Helpful to know it would have been clear / red then, and yes it has the plastic cap.

Wonderful Mark

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