Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

It's been three weeks since I made this lamp, and now the wax is sticking to the sides. Why is this happening? I meticulously cleaned the bottle and coated it with surfactant before adding the wax, and this is the result. Is there a way to solve this issue without having to start over again?

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Sorry Richard, looks like back to the drawing board!

Whatever. I'll just remove the wax and save it, then thoroughly clean the globe. I still have some surfactant left. My assumption is that I poured in the distilled water without mixing it with the surfactant first and that was what caused the coating to break down. Makes enough sense.

If you poured your wax in a wet globe, that was only coated with distilled water, then, that is what the problem was.  Need to have some surf/ water together swish that mixture all around the virgin clean globe and ensure globe is well coated so when wax goes in the globe it will not splash up and adhere to the sides of the wall of globe, you nailed it bro, now get back to the drawing board and crack that puppy open!

Thanks! I'll get to it!

Just cleaned the globe today, and coated it with surf before adding the wax, then mixed the water with the surf before pouring it in the globe. Wax is still sticking a little. Will this go away after a while?

Your problem is in the process and cleaning of the lamp.

Start over

Dump the water, heat the goo and save it in a Pyrex measuring cup

Wash the globe in boiling hot water with DAWN.

Use a bottle brush if you have one

Rinse with hot tap water until all Dawn suds are gone

Buy some of this hand soap 

Check my post on Goo for Sale for ingredients

It available at any Dollar General or buy the equivalent Palmolive version at most grocery stores

Add  2 tablespoon-sized globs to the globe

Add 2" of distilled water

Shake vigorously

Dump liquid but leave @1/2" of fluid

Add goo

let cool

Add distilled water

heat lamp

add SURF as needed

Great advice! I remember seeing the Palmolive Pure & Clear at the local Superstore, so I'll pick that up. In the meantime, here's a pic of the lamp at full throttle. It's such a beautiful lamp. (minus the stuck goo, of course)

Fun fact: The color of this lamp was created using BLUE dye. I was quite surprised by how it turned out. This is probably why some people say that MT blue dye is terrible, but I'm not complaining!

I always thought a VOSS bottle would make a good donor lamp

Looks good

BTY< I have some light purple goo if you need some fo make another

It's okay. I have another bottle with white goo. (will be orange soon) The base is made of a 398ml steel food can on top of a tuna can. Bulb used is a 40w R14. The steely texture of the base matches the cap of the bottle, giving the lamp an industrial look. Perhaps you could take that design into account.

Okay, so I tried the method you suggested with mixed results. The white lamp was a complete success. The purple lamp however, was a different story. I'm afraid this goo is cursed, but the stuck wax has reduced considerably. Maybe this needs a couple more tries?

Add some surf and come back in a few hours

It looks as if it's overheating with too much static tension

BTY, if you want more true color out of the blue, add fluorescent blue first.

It will give the goo color a base coat of white to mix with the blue and not be soo transparent

The lamp actually was still warming up. The goo actually came off the coil and then reattached once it melted (kinda weird), but I am happy with the violet color. Once this goo reaches it's end of life I'll try the true blue.

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