Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi! I've been lurking for a little while since I broke my lava lamp about 6 months ago. I've been learning a lot. Mostly what not to do. Anyways, I've been casually looking around for how to make my own goo. I know that gookits are the best way to do it, but they've been out of stock for quite some time, and I'm in a country where the shipping is rather expensive. While looking around, I keep coming across allusions to the recipe for Retro Basic, but the link to where it's located doesn't work. (it's here: http://www.oozinggoo.com/howto.html ). Where can I find this recipe, or another one of similar quality? Is there a reason it's been removed from the site?

Thanks for welcoming me into your group!

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Lets be honest here...if there were a recipe for DYI lava lamps everyone here would have had  the recipe years ago or as soon as someone cracked the code.  In all the years of being a member no one - no one has perfected the LAVA LITE formulation here on oozing goo.  Simple as that.  My advice to you...buy a cheap used lamp and swap the contents with the  globe you want to fill  saving yourself a lot of headaches , time and money.  Just make sure the used or new globe actually works before buying.  Swapping contents is fun and easy.  Give it a whirl then again you say you broke the lamp so why the need for lava if you have nothing to put it in?  Did I miss something ? Good luck.  

I have no experience doing this but here it is


Yes! I never even thought of using the wayback machine! This is exactly what I was looking for!

Keith said:

I have no experience doing this but here it is


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