Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all,

could anyone please identify this lamp and tell me also if a current mathmos astro bottle would fit?

Thank you!


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I've found the modern new design Astro bottles don't sit correctly due to new bottom design there got and arnt so stable on the early bases, i have a mk5 version which is later than yours and again they don't sit right, personly i refill my older bottles with modern mathmos contents but you will notice there isnt so much fluid in the new bottles so will have to top it up with distilled or de-ironised water

Thanks for your reply. But how do you swap the content over from a new bottle to the old one?

theres several ways of doing it, firstly the old bottle you want to refill must be cleaned inside good, then while the new bottle is cold remove the bottle top, pour the cold liquid into the bottle your refilling, then the new bottle which just has the solid wax in it place on the Astro base and switch on, approx 20mins the wax will be melted. slowly tilt the bottle necks together and slowly let the hot wax pour into the refill bottle, don't rush it.  You will notice some wax with go solid in the bottle your transferring from, place back on the Astro base and heat again ( note you wont get every bit out of it ) The refilled bottle will have lots of pieces of wax in it but once its fully heated up it will become normal again

You'll notice the liquid level will be lower in the refilled bottle, this can be topped up with de-ironised / distilled water But suggest run the refilled bottle first 

Other methods people do is pour tiny bit of cold fluid in and coat the inside of the bottle then pour or funnel the wax first into the empty bottle then pour the cold fluid in. Ive never tried this way

Never pour the master fluid in if its warm or hot as it will cloud

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