Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have an old astrobaby which liquid went down a bit so I've added some filtered water in it but in the process I've obviously changed the density ratio as the oil only make it's elongated thing without any breaking/blobs.

Do you happen to know any product to add to correct is't behavior ? (I remember reading something about epsom salt.. Is it worth it ?)

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Are you sure it's hot enough?  it may just be that your bulb needs replacing.  They tend to start stringy when they are warming up then eventually shift to breaking into blobs

yeah yeah it's warm enough, in fact it ran for 1h or 2 doing that elongated involving thing then it started doing tiny bubbles like when the oil is dammaged. So I turned it off.

NEVER use Epson salt!

Not sure what idiot started suggesting to use this corrosive additive

(Probably from a middle-school science project teacher)

Always use propylene Glycol to adjust density

Can Glycerol be used instead?  It's got a way higher density (1.26 g/cm³) compared to Propylene Glycol (1.04 g/cm³). So a much smaller amount of Glycerol should do the same job.

Claude J said:

NEVER use Epson salt!

Not sure what idiot started suggesting to use this corrosive additive

(Probably from a middle-school science project teacher)

Always use propylene Glycol to adjust density

I never tried it but am assuming it will not dissolve in distilled water as readily as PG
Glycerol is usually used in glitter babys and glitter balls and is quite thick in viscocity

what is the effect of this propylene glycol : does it add or lessen the liquid density ?

Claude J said:

NEVER use Epson salt!

Not sure what idiot started suggesting to use this corrosive additive

(Probably from a middle-school science project teacher)

Always use propylene Glycol to adjust density

I change the specific gravity of the fluid.'"
When you add it, it will want to make the wax float

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