Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a Mystique that is close to 3/4 inch low in fluid. Can I top this fluid off with anything, or is it better to just refill w/new? Lamp flows okay, but I do get occasional clumping or gathering in one spot. I think that has to do more w/the current bulb than the glitter, tho.

TIA for the help! :)

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I have read that the liquid in these old glitter lamps is a strange recipe.  I haven't seen anyone that has been able to reproduce it.  It evaporates extremely quickly so DO NOT crack yours open unless your 100% sure about it.  If it was me I would keep an eye out for another Gemlite, preferably one damaged in some way or low fluid like yours.  Then I would top off the fluid with original and call it a day.  

If it's the same as the creatworth living jewel fluid or glitter wizard lamps then it's trichlorotrifluoroethane which isnt produced anymore for about a decade or two. I searched for it online and it's only available in quantities of one ml for about 50€...so either you are very very lucky to get hold of it as new old stock from someone who doesnt know how scarce it is or the way that lamp addict suggested is what you wanne go for. In case you do get hold of it somehow make sure that it doesnt come in contact with water. even one drop of water can cloud up the whole lamp irreversably!

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