Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I’ve just seen a ballpark price from Mathmos for the Saturn, and it is priced at over £2000. What you all think of that?

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Sadly, out of most people’s price range. Still not sure about the overall design.

I think very few will sell at that price!

It's unfortunate that Mathmos could not come up with something more appealing and less expensive :(

I guess it's good that they are still offerring some "high end" lamps unlike LL in the USA .

You can't even order anything from LL currently - high demand? yeah right!

High demand????? more likely the stuck in cargo coming from china

MileHigh said:

I think very few will sell at that price!

It's unfortunate that Mathmos could not come up with something more appealing and less expensive :(

I guess it's good that they are still offerring some "high end" lamps unlike LL in the USA .

You can't even order anything from LL currently - high demand? yeah right!

We can't afford that for our lamp ourselves, so that rules us out as potential buyers. 

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