Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi!  I may be looking to sell these Crestworth Nordic lamps.  They are quite rare lamps especially to be in the States.  If there's anyone interested please let me know.  Thanks!

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The red glitter is a Crestworth Nordic but the othet lamp is a Crestworth Cosmos (an early european export model)

Actually they are both called Nordic. Astro Nordic to be exact. In the brochures they even feature the exact same description, so basicly its the same model with altered design for the export market. Cosmos refers to the glitter bottles which we know as glitterlite but in france it was called cosmos...sorry to be a smartass though.

isn't the cap on the "Cosmos" from a Living Jewel (Crestworth Astro Nordic deLuxe) model? Just asking...

Basicly true but I've seen this more than once before, I think they just shipped it with a long cap if they didnt have enough short ones at hand and the finish also matches the base. I've seen many Telstars with both caps as well. I'm wondering why the left nordic does look more shiny though. Maybe the right one just needs a quick polish but usually they should both have the same silver anodised finish. It's crestworth though so nothing is certain, anything is possible, nothing is documented :)

andy ross said:

isn't the cap on the "Cosmos" from a Living Jewel (Crestworth Astro Nordic deLuxe) model? Just asking...

Lovely items - I'd be interested in both of them if you came to sell, but suspect getting them to the UK would make it prohibitive.

I'd love either, but I'm sure they're out of my price range. I hope you get what you want out of them!

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