I've somehow managed to get 2 Camel lamps.. here they are. The screw on cap one has a nice clear globe... the bottle cap one seems to have a globe that is cloudy on the bottom half, but clears toward the top. I orginally thought it was the fluid... now I think its the glass. Also, the bottle cap one (the lighter blue lava), has just a gold bottle cap. No writing at all. Has it been re capped or some weird off globe?
Lars, mine is the exact same way :( I'm hoping this is going to be permanent because very few American globes wont clear in time. I've only used mine about 3 times and its been sitting and its cleared a little but I'm gonna run it tonight and post a picture.
As Bohdan said the globes were capped with a plain gold cap at the end of the U.S. production. Some missed the codes because I have a 52oz clear/blue and a 52oz clear/green globe without the markings on gold caps that I purchased new. They are out there. My clear/blue was also foggy and has cleared up, but it took a long time.
Well then this is one of the last of U.S. production. Clear/blue and gold cap. I'm going to try and sell it on ebay, trying to clear it up some first and wait a few weeks.... been too many on lately.
My Blue globe has the original lava lite cap and with a manufacture date of Dec of 2002. The flow is kinda bad though. This pic was taken after 6.5 hours of running.