Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This is my Dune lamp - made with a shot Grande from Facebook Marketplace, a trash can from Ross, a metal Christmas tree skirt from Goodwill (.99) and Small gold hexagon glitter in clear master fluid from Stardust lamps.  I've also added to varying degrees of success some red glitter for the spice effect.  My real questions is about the base.  Originally I had it painted a hammered copper, but didn't love the overall effect.  I've repainted the base with hammered (brown), and I'm still kind of unhappy with it.  I like the color better, but it needs something else, I think. Does anyone have any suggestions that might up the wow factor?

The lighting set up is made with a lighting base from Amazon and two filament reels from a friend or a friend's 3D printer stash.

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I'm thrilled to see another custom design.  I would go with a bronze then go over it with a clear coat. This will give the lamp a more vintage but upscale look.  (just my opinion) Before you do see if you can't scrape the glue from around the edges of the bucket and lava lamp base this will give your lamp a more professional, refined look to your design.  Keep the designs coming. It's one of the reason so many come to this site.  Consider this site the same as you would a custom car show.  

I haven't seen the movie but as it is referenced frequently I have sort of an idea in which kind of setting it takes place...isnt the wow factor of the movie the it has no such thing? Ok there are those huge sandworms but I find it hard to imagine a sandwormy lamp design which I would consider stylish ...let alone from a garbage can...which leads me to my actual point...well...it's a garbage can...painted and upside down. Paint wont really change that, but if there is any colour closely related to this movie I'd say it's the glowing blue of eyes. The garbage cans decor lines seem to be the only option to apply blue detailing...might look quite nice but I can't promise any wow effects.

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