Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I know were not suppose to discuss eBay transactions on here but I don't know what to do at this point. On April 8 I purchased a lamp on ebay from a member on this site who will remain nameless. Paid on April 8 waited a few days then asked the seller if the lamp shipped, he said "I promise I'll ship it tomorrow" So I was like ok, waited a few more days and still received nothing. I paid for PRIORITY mail which takes 2 days sometimes 3. Yesterday I emailed the seller for the first time in like 8 days about the item and said I still have not received it. This guy is not responding to any emails and I paid and no item. Should I open a case with Paypal about an item not being received? I really really don't want to have to go through the whole procedure, I just want what I paid for. I dont want to leave negative feedback. I'm stuck here???

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Open a PayPal dispute and a dispute with eBay. You will get a refund back from PayPal. On eBay, leave negative feedback. Plain and simple.

Here is how I look at it - if someone is selling something - anywhere - by them selling it, they are agreeing to answer questions, ship within a reasonable time frame and fulfill their obligations as a seller. If a seller fails to do any of those things, well - it's on them. I don't care if you go on vacation, you stepped out or whatever. You had an obligation to fulfill and you failed. Now, if they make it right, that's another story. At this point, it's a failure. April 8th purchase date should have had him ship the next day, Saturday at the latest. Which means you should have received it Monday-Wednesday. It's already over a week and nothing. File the disputes.

Sellers - if you can't deliver and have piss poor service - stop selling. It's that simple.
I would say to email the seller 1 more time saying you are going to open a Paypal claim if you dont get a responce, wait 24 hrs and if no reply then I would just open the Paypal claim. Opening the Paypal claim does not hurt the seller unless they dont respond to them, let them know you are not kidding. Has the member posted here since you bought the lamp ?? If they did, then they had time to pack your lamp up and ship it. You have waited long enough.

Thanks, yes they have posted on here since and I didn't want to say anything as I wanted to deal with my eBay transactions on eBay.
It was just a silver blue 8613 lamp. I needed another blue globe.

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