Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I used to have a nifty clock I bought from a Chinese imports store. It WAS in the attic, and I can't remember selling or trading it, but it's not there now. I'd really love to have one of these again, and I hope my description will suffice. Does anyone have one for sale, or know where there's one for sale?

The clock was hexagonal, and about 1 1/2 feet across or so. It had a ribbed clear plastic 'halo' sticking out of the outside of the case, all the way around, also hexagonal. The center of the dial had a black disk with radiating sunburst stripes, and there was a revolving multicolored disk behind this which caused an outwardly-moving animated pattern. The hands were in front of this, and the numerals around the border were illuminated but not animated. The edge of the inner disk also had a narrow multicolored drum around it, which projected colored lights into the halo so that they revolved around the clock.Light was a circular fluorescent (not neon) tube inside.

In the late 80s into the mid 90s, most of the local Chinese import shops had these alongside little rain lamps and fiber-optic flowers. Now, I can't even find a photograph of one!

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