Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys! just recently got my dads neglected lunar going with a new bottle and 100w halogen bulb, it started to stalagmite then clumped to the bottom and sat there not moving, the bottles been on for 2 hours now?

is the bulb too much? do I need to turn the dimmer down? 

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soz miss quoted imfo there the early models used 75watt and later the 100watt it will take upto 3 hours to get to flowing temperature if youre still got no blobbing by 4 hours then it could be the bulb, the dimmer 

May I ask, please? - is it a brand new bottle (from Mathmos)? Or a Goo-kit? Or what?

As Johnny says, it can take a couple of hours at least - and a lot more if it's a cold room...

After a few hours it is flowing but its not actually breaking up, but hopefully it gets better with ages 

https://youtu.be/NjaTMKsFG_A here s a little video of it in action

It's a genuine mathmos bottle too 

id be pleased with a flow like that, thats how lava lamps are ment to flow not breaking into bubbles like mathmos do nowadays, i prefer the flow youve got

Yes, I agree

Looks like proper Mathmos too - when it starts doing Queen Nefertiti is when I get happy

In my experience brand new bottels flow exactly as your is doing so it looks good to me. The flow will become more "intresting" the more you use it, at least thats what I've found. 

There are a few pics on my profile if you want to see what I mean. The same colour as yours is the newest bottle and the clear green is the oldest. Red/red is somwehere in the middle. 

Do we have a reason why they changed their formula?

Johnny said:

id be pleased with a flow like that, thats how lava lamps are ment to flow not breaking into bubbles like mathmos do nowadays, i prefer the flow youve got

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