Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Sharing is an excerpt from the book "Chemistry Connections: The Chemical Basis of Everyday Phenomena".

While doing research on the internet today, I found an article about the chemical details of the lava lamp in this book.

I think it can give ideas or be useful to those who want to make a lava lamp or change its content as a hobby.

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Nice :)

Little Secret, I add mineral oil or Parrafin oil to get a better flow in USA lava

I've even heard of grapeseed oil being used-although I never tried it

Here is an older revelation of USA lava lamp ingredients


While working as a research assistant at Istanbul university 30 years ago, we were looking at the effects of grape seed oil on cancer.
Grape seed oil for lava lamp is very interesting.But in the end it's oil. Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid and Stearic acid typical fatty acid composition of grape seed oil.

Claude J said:

Little Secret, I add mineral oil or Parrafin oil to get a better flow in USA lava

I've even heard of grapeseed oil being used-although I never tried it

Here is an older revelation of USA lava lamp ingredients


Grapeseed is just the Stearic acid replacement

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