Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

  • 71, Male
  • Holyoke, MA
  • United States

Gary's Friends

  • Elizabeth Berube
  • john
  • Keith
  • Bumpkin
  • agentchillypig
  • Modulo '70
  • Mark Goo

Gary's Discussions

13 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Modulo '70 Apr 6, 2008.

4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gary Apr 1, 2008.

8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gary Mar 9, 2008.


Gary's Page

Profile Information

Something Interesting About Me:
Into cooking - high end home theatre - snowmobiling - motorcycling - home owning (O:
Enjoying the LavaLite collection and 3 parrots !
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
Ebay winning - altered Century 100 from late 60ies (white cord - cylinder inside the base)... Someone changed out the fluid and lava along the way from a modern lamp. Works fine, slightly hazy..

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 10:43am on October 5, 2012, Elizabeth Berube said…

Hi Gary,


I know this is random, but my daughter is working on a research paper on collections, and chose lava lamps because she loves them.  Part of the assignment is to do  "field research" and take pictures of an actual collection.  Obviously you don't know us, but was wondering if we could take a photo of yours, or if you knew someone who would be willing to let us do so, in the New England area?  We also live in Massachusetts.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!



At 6:44am on December 22, 2008, Keith said…
Hi Gary,
Aah, Mathmos! I never even heard of them before I found Oozing Goo in October, but they have become a favorite. The pics and videos of them all have smooth flowing goo.
I wasn't sure where the walmart lamps were actually from, I picked them up second-hand. One of them flows really well, but the other is not right.
Thanks for the well-wishes! Four more weeks until our child arrives!!

At 1:15pm on December 19, 2008, Keith said…
Happy Birthday, Gary! Keep on gooing!
At 7:22pm on October 4, 2008, Mark Goo said…
just dropping by.
At 3:57pm on September 21, 2008, Bumpkin said…
Hey Gary, How are you doing?

At 10:16pm on December 19, 2007, Gary said…
Hello Astro.. Would YOU or someone you know be willing to take my money, buy one of these limited lamps and send it to me (for a small fee of course!) ?? Let me know ASAP, I feel in the mood for a self given Christmas gift and it would be great to have one of these before they sell out! :O)

Would you reply to MY email address ?? It is:
gw.smith@verizon.net (be sure to get all dots)

Thanks so much. Look forward to hearing from you



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