Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys just got this glitterball in the post today any one know if all these mico bubbles will go over time my other one looks ok  

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I hope this is wrong, but I think bubbles and tiny globules mean it's been overheated/overused at some stage. They are pretty old fills by now, even with new MF...

My Lunar glitterball has them, in quantity; an expert tells me they won't go away, but I've noticed if I run the lamp very slowly (dimmed) there are fewer bubbles.

Yep your other one looks a beauty, it's great goo isn't it?

one of my faves , ive run it up for 2 hours im hoping they will settle back down into a solid lump but its such a thick liquid

im thinking of runing the liquid through some tights to try and catch the bubbles ?

used to get them even from new, problem is the fluid was so thick its hard for them to sink down and re-connect with the main lava

Glitterballs got their name, because the wax flows in round balls and not in snakes like yours. 

I think the small globs/bubbles are normal for glitterball bottles that have been run often.

I have a silver glitterball Lunar bottle that starts off clear but soon after it starts flowing the little blobs/bubbles start forming and after a few hours the entire globe is full of them.

At first I did not like this at all, however over time I have come to like it as the lamp looks like an exotic lava/glitter hybrid now :)

Glitterball Lunar

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