
60, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I am 45, will be married 23 years in January, and expecting our first child January!!! Yeah!!
I and my wife are very commited Christians who believe in Jesus with everything that we are. We also believe in the workings and gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Our expected son is a miracle child that the LORD had promised us beforehand, Praise HIS NAME!!!)

I had two Lava Lamps in the '70s. One got broke (don't move them hot, especially with the cord dragging) The other I got curious about and started playing with the goo. The empty glass does not hold your interest too long.
My wife and I bought a brand new lamp in 1991, white base yellow/yellow.
Since 2004 I have bought many lamps, sold a few when we moved out of California to Oklahoma (some I wish I hadn't) and bought a few more.
Right now, I have eight lamps on display, and five or six packed away (I might use a few for projects, now that I have been inspired here).
(November 2008
Where I Live:
Southern Oklahoma, USA
My First Lava Lamp was:
Century Red-Yellow

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  • Jimmy D

    Hello KillerKeith - You said it! In Grand Prairie during the summer months you don't need to plug in your lava lamps to get them moving. Pretty much everything starts to ooze around June and doesn't stop until September. I found my two hound dogs lava-lating in the humid air one time. I had to hose them off and throw them in the pool just to get them to look regular again. You being in Oklahoma know exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks for the Happy Birthday greeting. I'll repay you with a HUGE congratulations on your up and coming baby boy. You sir have indeed been blessed by God's unfathomable love. Never forget your son is a miracle and God is only using your heart and hands to raise that miracle. My wife and I were also blessed with a miracle baby eighteen years ago so I think I have a hint of what you're feeling now. You think it's awesome now, wait until the little dude shows up! :)

    Happy New Year & God Bless

    P.S. Start jogging before he learns to toddle! Trust me on that one. :)
  • Jennifer

    Sorry to take so long to respond. I just had a baby December 5th, so as you will soon see, it's sometimes tricky to get on the computer once a baby arrives! Congratulations for you and your wife! I really don't know of any good places to get lava lamps in OKC. I have gotten a few 52 oz.Lava World lamps at Spencers in Penn Square Mall. They are only $20 and great for projects. There are sometimes lava lamps at Big Lots. I've had great luck with those. I really just stick to ebay. If I get a good vintage base I usually have to tweak or even replace the globe so Spencers comes in handy. Good luck with the upcoming birth, it's the most amazing experience!
  • Tony

    Thanks for the the greetings Keith. I'm glad I found this site. It's very interesting.
  • Eternal_Eidolon

    Thanks alot man. I appreciate you looking for me.
  • Ironclod Aleeby

    I'm kind of the same way. The blue/white lava seems the prototype, although it may not in fact be. So the first one I got was that. Then I wanted a blue water/purple lava but lost out on an Ebay bid that went through the roof - or at least my roof. Now I've bought something I figured I would never be interested in because I thought the wilder colors were not in keeping with the whole spirit that started the lamps. I've bought a purple water/red lava - and boy is it bright. I can see how you can start out kind of traditional and end up with the moon and stars!
  • christopher

    o am looking for people that no longer want their lamps i am interested in taking them as i am starting a collection. if anyone you know wants to give their lamps up email me
  • David

  • Kosmic Carp

    Hey , Thanks alot. I haven't been here in awhile, so it's nice to be back.
  • Mark Goo

    You've been featured!
    Not that it is that big of a deal.
    Thanks for being such a great member here.
  • Capester

    Thanks for the welcome - and congratulations on Brandon's birth! Happy dads are the coolest.

  • Luis

    Thank you.
    I'm from Brasil, and understand english a little.

    If you can give me more information of how I can made my first lava lamp, you'll make me a happy guy Rss.

    I'm thinking make a lava lamp with only alcohol isopropyl 70% / 90% and Wax.

    Is it work?

    Do you have MSN?

    Luis Paulo.
  • Luis

    I've read yesterday.

    The form I told you are is The Poor Man formula.

    I will try soon.

    Thank you for the tip.!
  • Thargor

    Thanks for the welcome man, I only signed up to ask about a load of wax stuck to the glass in a straight vertical line that was making all the wax just stand there doing nothing, sounds like it cant be fixed judging by the threads Ive read, Im not going to bother trying to open it and wash it out, Ive ordered a strong magnet from Ebay to try and rub the coil up and down and if that doesn't work Ill give up and make a thread asking for replacement suggestions, thanks!
  • Michael Eberlein

    Thanks for the welcome!!!
  • 5pmilne

    thanks a lot.
    and congrats
  • 1992

    Thanks for the welcome. I didn't realize ppl were welcoming me. You guys are quite friendly here, and well into your lava lamps!
  • neo

    thank you for welcome and the best wishes to you and your family and Brandon
  • neo

    i will never forget the overpowering scent of an baby .... i have 3 children ... Lara my daughter 14 .... Tim my 1st son 8 .... Luca my 2nd son 5 .... my greatest pleasur in my life
  • Susie

    Hi Killerkeith,

    Thank you for the welcome, and congratulations on your baby! You will find that you fall in love with that little person in a way that you have never loved before.
  • Quisp

    Thanks for the comment and hello.
    This site seems to be THE place to become informed about all things "lava"...;)
  • Jennifer

    Hi! Congratulations on your son! I haven't been on the site for awhile and I just read that he came in Jan.! My daughter will be 3 mos. this week! Newborns are amazing. I'm so happy for you two!
  • Turkishcoffee

    Hey thanks! I just finished it last week :)
  • Drew

    Thanks for the welcome, I will admit my first lamp was pretty common, but it still works, and it is what started my madness, so it was a blessing and a curse.

  • Jester00

    Cool thanks for the heads up!
    Gonna keep my eye on this one, don't see them that often and it is one lamp that I would really like to have.
  • annie howes

    thank you keith, I have a problem with my lava lamp, I have spent most of the day trying to take the top off my lava lamp to clean the inside as I brought a large lava lamp from the gadget shop, obviously the show lava lamp, it is filthy inside, I cannot remove the top off at all, I really don't know how a lava lamp can get so dirty from inside! Anyone have some suggestions
  • Jennifer

    Thanks for the b-day wishes! Yes, that is her night light! It gives just enough light. I don't think she'd go to sleep if it weren't on! She loves to stare at them. That didn't start until about a month ago-I bet you'll have loads of entertainment for your new one! I'm reading the Baby Whisperer, it's such a great book. If you have any questions maybe I could help! I'd never been around a baby before Sofie and they are tricky!!!
  • Trebor

    Thank you for the welcome Keith ... looking forward to sharing some "lava love" with everyone ... hmmm ... I like that... hmmm "lava love" ... I like that alot... Pass it along if you care to ... Everybody needs 'LOT'S OF LAVA LOVE" !!!
    Congrats on you new son Brandon... Im sure he has a new lava lamp near his sleeping area...

  • Lava Lush

    Greetings to you! I havent had alot of time to get my pics up but im hopeing to soon!
  • Susie

    Oh goodness, that's so sweet of you Keith! Thank you.

  • Daniel Hubert

    Thanks for the welcome. Looks like an interesting group! Just picked up an old Century 103, without knowing what it even was. I could tell it was old, by the design and construction, but really liked the "twilight base". It still works great too! My lads have one in their room, so this is lamp #2.

    Take care,
  • Dawn

    Thanks for the welcome Keith and congrats on your new family addition!
  • Jts

    thanks ,I'm new to lava lamps, and am interested in making some of the goo, do you have a recipe?
  • scott

    thanks i have a collection of 20 different lava lamps and will put them up soon
  • Michael

    Thanks! It's good to be back, This site has come a long way. I am quite impressed.

    -lava lite dude
  • Audrey

    Thanks for the greeting! It's great to come across a site where people like lava lamps like I do and also know so much about them. I've been trying to fix some of mine but didn't know quite how to. Looks like I've come to the right place!
  • Michael Norville

    Hey there, thanks a lot for the welcome and greetings to you too! "Maranatha," tells mE (or at least I believe?), a little bit about yourself, like maybe possibly you're a believer also? I hOpe so! If not, like a favorite musician of mine put it "Why don't you lOok into Jesus He's got the answer!"

    Anyway, what can you tell mE about lava lamps? How long have you been a "Goo-Head?" Do you happen to know anyone that would be able to repair one? I've got a favorite lamp that got overheated by an improper lightbulb that was stronger than what was recommended (40W.) So, now it's all cloudy and murky lOoking:( Bummer!

    Well, let's keep in touch, and enjOy your evening...

  • Michael Norville

    Hello again, this is the eXact same style of lamp that I have which got overheated and is now cloudy. I found this image after 'Googling' "Acme Gas Company Lava Lamp." I hOpe the 'URL' works alright. Check it out...
  • Lochi

    Thank's for the welome
  • Carol Fox

    Thank you
  • Gone For Good

    Thanks for the kind greeting Keith.

    Best regards

  • Mark

    Thanks, glad to be here.

  • Abby

    Hey Keith. Thanks for the welcome! Just thought I'd join since I LOVE lava lamps and I am determined to get my mitts onto a Lunar Lava! Would you happen to know anyone who is trying to sell one? I bet that's a very common question!

  • erikezikel

    Thanks Keith. I'm glad to be here..and the lava lamps are amazing.
  • big red

    Thanks so much! It was a really fun weekend as our son's Birthday was the next day! Thanks again :)
  • big red

    Congrats to you on your little one. The joys of a son are endless..:)
  • big red

    Thanks for adding me as a friend! I really like the people in this group. :) Thanks for the comments on my pics..the eyes are mine.
  • Debra Story

    Thanks for your kind welcome. I am glad to be part of the community and look forward to learning more about lava lamps!
  • Chuck

    Thanks, Keith!
  • sjzervos

    Thanks. Have really enjoyed the site and reading the board. Thanks for the note.
  • Paul

    Thanks Keath, good to be here!