Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Since mathmos re-shaped the astro bottles i can no longer use the new bottles on my vintage early astro & lantern, as they have tapered the base in to make a lip so the bottle sits on the rim of bases, This tapered part now sits inside the bases but to wide so rests on the inner part which makes the bottles very wobbly and i dont feel safe to use, The lantern base is the worst, slight tap and bottle tilts right over. Also less contents for more money as found out when i just refilled a earlier bottle 

mathmos site states the follow

Q. Why is my Astro bottle not sitting straight in the base?
A. Bottles are now supplied with a lip which runs around the lower part of the bottle, to ensure it will sit straight in the base.  When the bottle is placed on the base, it should sit securely, although it will still be possible to move the bottle from side to side.  If your bottle isn't sitting correctly, please please contact our customer service team .

wonky lava lamp - wonky bottle - bottle wonky

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i think its down to wanting quicker heat up time, nearly all of mine have been diluted down , the worst 2 get right is the bottles for the blue base / black bases, craven walker designed em for the long stretchy flow and u.s china blobs, cressida granger said once anyone can make a blob lamp ! which is what mathmos do now :-(

It's called GREED!  If they can pocket more money and now sell crap and you continue to buy their NEW CRAP, at the same high prices no less, they will continue to make and sell CRAP.  Shame on Mathmos, thought for sure they would have seen the direction that Lava Lite went through, guess not. Sad days.

kero48 said:

Sounds like another fine company now going down the drain similar to what happened to the lava lamps once they moved to China.

I never understand why any company, that has great success, starts to change things for the worse. I know that dollars and cents is the name of the game but once a company alienates their core buyers, the rest goes down hill from their.

Oh, Goodness! I have just purchased an AstroBaby for my friend as a gift! It takes the new halogen bulbs! I am afraid to give it to him now :(.

Got one of the new Astro Baby bottles and was shocked by how poor the flow is on it! It just produces blobs that go up and down. I thought I was being fussy but look at the first comment on their new Neo lamp:


The Neo looks OK, but what has happened to the flow? All the videos the flow is quite boring. Where is the 'snaking' us Mathmos fans have come to love? Without the traditional movement what is the point of us paying more for one of your lamps?
Ever since they went halogen, the quality has nosedived.

Look at this picture that shows the cheap junk glass they are using for their new bottles. The old wide neck bottles were so much better.


This is the flow people are getting these days from Mathmos

Adara said:

Look at this picture that shows the cheap junk glass they are using for their new bottles. The old wide neck bottles were so much better.


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