Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Schylling Acquires Lava Brand - Lava Lite Company Sold

For some reason, the creator of the original thread deleted it, so I'm going to repost.

"The Lava brand has found a new home, although one that’s already somewhat familiar. Schylling, a toy and gift designer, manufacturer and distributor, has acquired Lava’s brand assets from parent Lifespan Brands.

At the same time, Lifespan Brands has announced that, after seven-and-a-half years with the company, Clay Farnsworth, president and CEO, will retire this month. Farnsworth has had a long career in the home products sector including sales and executive stints with companies such as Health-O-Meter and Taylor."

More here: https://www.homeworldbusiness.com/schylling-acquires-lava-brand/

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Why would the original poster delete a thread with info that is public knowledge?

I have no idea. I just know it vanished one day. Wish I had more info for you, but I'm just going to start a new thread. 

kero48 said:

Why would the original poster delete a thread with info that is public knowledge?

Thank you for re-posting this!

recent results for Lava lamp website:

I just went there and it's up and running. Must have been a temporary glitch.

I'm interested to see when the "turnover date", so to speak will be. When we'll start to see Schylling in their digital marketing presence, on the website and finally in their branding and packaging. Still holding out hope that just maybe we'll get something more interesting than shrink-wrapped bases. 

^^ Two things are going to happen, things are either going to get worse in terms of product type and quality or they are going to get better in terms of quality and product offerings.

I don't have high hopes as when a company buys another the first thing to do is find a way to maximize profits on the new acquisition to earn your investment back. This usually means cutting corners and streamlining the offerings.

Lamps are now on Schylling's site: http://www.schylling.com/k/search?q=lava+lamp

So will the Lava Lite website still be maintained? And, if they are acquiring Lava Lite, what will happen? Anything? New designs? New staff? New marketing?


Lava Metal Ooze picture

Erin said:

Lamps are now on Schylling's site: http://www.schylling.com/k/search?q=lava+lamp

So will the Lava Lite website still be maintained? And, if they are acquiring Lava Lite, what will happen? Anything? New designs? New staff? New marketing?

Huh. I saw that, but passed right over it as I didn't realize it was related to Lava. Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty already has that market cornered, I think. But, ok.... ?

When I posted I was thinking, if this is their new products, that's just sad

Erin said:

Huh. I saw that, but passed right over it as I didn't realize it was related to Lava. Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty already has that market cornered, I think. But, ok.... ?

You would think with all the tax breaks to business and business coming back to the US from overseas, this would happen to lava lite brand.  Unfortunately, I think lava lite is in a death spiral.  Now they making "lava" you can play with in your hand. Not sure guys, I hope I am wrong.

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