Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Hey everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know to grab your wallet and head over to eBay! A seller (Cindy) wonderful lady! Anyhow she came across a massive buy on a fiber optic lamp that has the super long fiber optic sprays and are full. They are plastic fibers but display beautifully! They have a cooling fan and are lit with a 35 watt halogen bulb, the fibers and color wheel rotate. She has a video that demonstrates the motion of the lamp on YouTube. Pictures and videos hardly do this lamp Justice! I have prior experience with these lamps and they are legit! I even can custom make color wheels for them like I did on the one I had a few years back. Anyhow. She has these things priced Right and at a steal honestly and will give a discount if buying more than one! I bought two and almost bought more! She has aprox 200 units brand new!! I am attaching a link to the listing and some of my photos of the spray. Get them while they last! Oh and please, if you do decide to purchase from her. PLEASE message her in eBay mentioning my name (Joe) sent me over from the Oozing Goo forum. Thanks guys! Oh and one of the pictures you see of the spray was me setting the spray in a Sunburst base. These sprays have a fat base and will not work on a Sunburst, I just wanted you to see the fullness! If you don't like the silver base you can spray paint it Black like I did the one I had years ago and in the one pictured in this discussion 


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Anyone have photos or videos of their lamps yet? Mine is arriving monday and i am too impatient lololol!

OK get ready for this... I now have one of my lamps going in the opposite direction. Yup, they both started out rotating counter clockwise.  Now I have one that is rotating clockwise.  *scratches head*  Not sure if this is intended operation or not.  Had both of them now just over 24hours.  Will keep you guys abreast of any further changes.


I wonder if these lamps use a type of motor that will cycle in different directions when you plug in/or turn the lamp on. I had a fiber optic flower clock that did this. Whenever i would turn it on the flowers would turn in the opposite direction each time. Try turning them off and on to see if it changes direction.

Mr MaGoo said:

OK get ready for this... I now have one of my lamps going in the opposite direction. Yup, they both started out rotating counter clockwise.  Now I have one that is rotating clockwise.  *scratches head*  Not sure if this is intended operation or not.  Had both of them now just over 24hours.  Will keep you guys abreast of any further changes.


Yup did that both still going one clockwise and the other counter clockwise.  I did take them apart and lubricate the motor shaft and small gear above the color wheel, as well as the large spray drive gear.  I used liquid bearing brand synthetic lube, wont gum up and thicken over time and does not attract dust, great stuff.  Once everything lubed up, I am not getting the fast then slow movement in the lamp.  Now constant slow movement noted.

  I believe that since the holder for the spray is plastic and the housing is plastic,  the spray holder snaps into the housing and rotates plastic on plastic, anything that can reduce that friction would be a good thing.  Guess the plastic spray holder is binding up on the housing and the motor continues on and jerks forward when it over comes the friction of the plastic on plastic contact, would think this would lead to premature wear of that motor and shortly if left to continue, its demise.  Will post some pics shortly of areas and what base unit without shell looks like.


Thanks everyone here and on Instagram who purchased one of these spectacular lamps or who's owned since 2000.  It appears the slow then fast turning is built in so this is not a flaw but part of the design. If the lamp goes clockwise the lamp turns slowly while displaying several colors like the original fantasia lamps. When the color wheel  goes into fireworks mode it speeds up which gives it this dazzling effect like the grand finale at a fireworks show.  When the lamp turns counterclockwise the lamp turn slowly without speeding up when the fireworks mode begins so you have continuous slow option and or slow with speed up motion. Do note it turns both clockwise and counter clockwise. If your lamp has a little static cling give it a day or so and the fibers will no longer cling to base. Do not apply anything to the fibers. The more I learn about this lamp the more I like. Several of the fibers will look longer in some areas...don't trim. These fibers are so ultra thin as thin as the Fantasia lamps that they just need time to settle down or you can gently pull it down to the same fiber level as the length of the matching fibers. My lamps fiber spray was shorter than everyone else by about 3'' and badly clumped when removed but I've been taking the time to separate because I did not want to throw away and the more attention I give the separation process the more I realize this lamp has as many fibers as the vintage fantasia. I did have to trim off squiggly fibers that no one else mentioned.  I'm guessing my lamp was never supposed to be sold and somehow made it out of the factory.  Major difference between the Millennium 2000 and Fantasia 4000 - a lot more work went into the design of the Millennium 2000's motor design - it's 2000 not 1970's. A total step up from the 70's lamps. I'll update post if anything new about this lamp comes up since I'm still receiving replies on Instagram and have 2 more arriving this week that I can compare side by side. Best bet - get your lamp while you still can. 

Mr MaGoo said:

Yup did that both still going one clockwise and the other counter clockwise.  I did take them apart and lubricate the motor shaft and small gear above the color wheel, as well as the large spray drive gear.  I used liquid bearing brand synthetic lube, wont gum up and thicken over time and does not attract dust, great stuff.  Once everything lubed up, I am not getting the fast then slow movement in the lamp.  Now constant slow movement noted.

  I believe that since the holder for the spray is plastic and the housing is plastic,  the spray holder snaps into the housing and rotates plastic on plastic, anything that can reduce that friction would be a good thing.  Guess the plastic spray holder is binding up on the housing and the motor continues on and jerks forward when it over comes the friction of the plastic on plastic contact, would think this would lead to premature wear of that motor and shortly if left to continue, its demise.  Will post some pics shortly of areas and what base unit without shell looks like.


This is base and oil  I used and oiling points on base, small gear ...This is looking down into the top of the cover where spray is inser...This is the underside of the top cover looking at adapter where the...Pic 1 of lamp running and below pic2 same lamp.  Have two at this t...

Anyone else having issues with the spray? Mine likes to clump and tangle, and the top spray fibers do not fan out at all!?

Looks nothing like the photos

Have been slowly trying to separate fiber with my big fingers, takes time and patience, those that are doing it how do you do it.  Let us know, mine is finally starting to look like it should.  Also made a cardboard cut out to sit on top of the shell to minimize the flood of white light out of the top, not sure if this will effect heat dissipation.  Will take temperature readings of both units, one with baffle on top and the stock set up.  Would post pictures but can't upload from my phone, guess will transfer to computer and do it that way.  There is a difference.


P.S. Took temp reading, looks like with baffle temp came up 8 degrees, from 77F to 87F.  Posting pics soon.

So like magoo here, I have been meticulously slowly getting the spray to look like it should. I would post pics, but apparently I can't at this time. From what I can tell from the ebay listing, these were probably stored somewhere in a warm or hot location in California for 25 years or so. I think what has happened is the spray has been in storage for so long that the fibers have straightened out and taken shape of how they were wrapped in its packaging, since these are plastic and not glass the heat would reshape them.

I have been wanting/trying to respond to the comments lately, over the past week and I have had nothing but problems. I just wanted to comment on a few things, First I am back from vacation and was able to open up and test out and display the two lamps I purchased. I am very happy with them. Brand new as advertised. No weird jerks in the rotation of the spray or any odd noises. The spray is full and does have a noticeable static issue which should subside after it has been on display for a bit. I was thinking of spraying anti static spray on mine to help out. Everyone is correct so far with the assumption of the longer it is on display the more filled out it will become. Someone also mentioned using a cardboard cutout at the top of the lamp to filter the light that bleeds through the top. That is a wonderful idea and should not have any if much at all impact on the cooling of the lamp. their is sufficient ventilation at the base of the lamp.

To clarify, this was a warehouse find. 200 of these were discovered in a abandoned warehouse. The storage warehouse in particular that housed these lamps were those used by Spencers gifts at one point and the Earth Store where these were primarily sold. Cindy said that these have been untouched and in storage for about 20+ years! so yes, the fact that the sprays have been in their packaging for that long could explain the lack of them filling out. The best thing to address this problem is some patience and some fanning out and separation of the fibers with your fingers.

I just love the effect this lamp gives off! however I will be making a special batch of color wheels that I will list on ebay if anyone is interested in changing the color show. these will be way easier to change out than the fantasia lamps. but that wont be for a while. I have too much going on at the moment.

Joe, I love this pattern on the wheel.  Not sure if a stiffer, more durable material could be sourced for replacement wheels.  Would love this pattern for my fantasia sunburst.  The movement for the stars through the solid color pattern and the star movement through the entire spray is mind blowing, the stars or white dots are moving, the solid colors are moving and the spray is moving, just gives it so much animation!  Please let us know when this "millennium" pattern is available.  Thanks so much!


jmpenny32 said:

I have been wanting/trying to respond to the comments lately, over the past week and I have had nothing but problems. I just wanted to comment on a few things, First I am back from vacation and was able to open up and test out and display the two lamps I purchased. I am very happy with them. Brand new as advertised. No weird jerks in the rotation of the spray or any odd noises. The spray is full and does have a noticeable static issue which should subside after it has been on display for a bit. I was thinking of spraying anti static spray on mine to help out. Everyone is correct so far with the assumption of the longer it is on display the more filled out it will become. Someone also mentioned using a cardboard cutout at the top of the lamp to filter the light that bleeds through the top. That is a wonderful idea and should not have any if much at all impact on the cooling of the lamp. their is sufficient ventilation at the base of the lamp.

To clarify, this was a warehouse find. 200 of these were discovered in a abandoned warehouse. The storage warehouse in particular that housed these lamps were those used by Spencers gifts at one point and the Earth Store where these were primarily sold. Cindy said that these have been untouched and in storage for about 20+ years! so yes, the fact that the sprays have been in their packaging for that long could explain the lack of them filling out. The best thing to address this problem is some patience and some fanning out and separation of the fibers with your fingers.

I just love the effect this lamp gives off! however I will be making a special batch of color wheels that I will list on ebay if anyone is interested in changing the color show. these will be way easier to change out than the fantasia lamps. but that wont be for a while. I have too much going on at the moment.

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