Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

You may have noticed a bit of, let's say, "heated discussion" happening on the Goo lately.  It happens from time to time on any popular forum-based site;  disagreements turn into fights and then it becomes personal.  It's not unusual and I'm not really here to blame anyone.

What we do need is a clear set of Community Guidelines, more transparency regarding account suspensions, and a more robust Moderator team.  Because 2 of the current Mods (Jerome and I) are not on the site as frequently as necessary, we'll be getting replaced by 2 new admins.  I'm going to remain available to be a tie-breaker in case of a split decision on the new Mod team.

We're going to create an ongoing thread here in this OG Network Talk section for suspensions to explain the reason and list the duration of the suspension.

If you have a Mod nomination that you would like to make, make it here in this thread.  I'll take ALL the nominations and create a poll.  The 2 new Mods will be selected by me from the top 5 results of the poll.  I wish I could make everyone a Mod, but that's just crazy talk. 

The Moderator terms for all 4 spots will be 1-year, and we will go through a similar process next year. This way everyone who wants to be a Mod, and is recognized by their peer group as worthy, will get a chance to try it out (and probably learn it ain't as easy as it looks)  :-)

Mark Goo

Views: 553

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Too many people just wanted, nay demanded, someone to scream at. And look what it got us. I hope this teaches some people a lesson - for example, with my own "What vintage lamp(s) would you like to see Lava replicate?", when I said 'NO Lava Lite-related complaining', I didn't mean '...unless you really, really want to'. I meant NO. And what'd I get? Still, multiple griping posts - including people who posted, got politely told by me to knock it off INCLUDING my linking to the anti-Lava Lite thread, followed by the same people doing it again!

I have only two issues with the current mods: (1) deleting entire threads, which tends to lead to heavy speculation and rumors about who is getting "muffled" and why, and (2) not telling those who are banned WHY they were banned. Aside from those two issues, I think the mods have done a pretty darn good job. Mods on any forum can't stop or kill ALL problems, and some people were just determined to share their negative opinions in threads where such was both unwelcome and off-topic.
what is a [edit] moderator? someone who smokes or [edit] as in homosexual / gay that wouldnt be politicaly correct i asume u mean just a bad bully type mod
They didn't win. Lava Lite hasn't quit planning a new 2011 line, I doubt, and perhaps they'll be all the more driven to make it better.

And yes, I get it too. A few of you Mathmos people will never like Lava. You've said your bit, and we heard it. Now sit down and quit screaming.
^^^ Not cool. Calling someone a [name] doesn't get any of us anywhere. This is the sort of stuff I DON'T want to see on this forum.
Got it. Thanks. I meant my response to Aristocrat, whomever that is.
we all have our opinions about what we like and what we dont. But thats the point, they are opinions, and therefore not for anyone to thrust onto other people in an offensive way.
I'd never dream of slagging off someone else's prized posession just because I didnt like it. thats so mean!
That's horrible. :( One or two people chase a perfectly nice person off this forum. How embarrassing for all of us.
It seems to me, that most of the problem with that whole Lava Lite debacle ultimately came down to the mods, I will not use names and continue to remain neutral, but from what I observed was continuous hatred and calls for shuttering Lava Lite from both of our mods, which okay you have the right to your opinion. My issue, however is practice what you preach. Most of the time when so much as a complaint against Mathmos is brought up, it is usually deleted. I could be wrong, but this is what I have noticed. We can't have moderators to a site blatantly using their power with a bias.

with any product there be people who like it and others who dont, a debate is good but normaly gets out of hand, i agree removing whole posts is to much, but when a single reply/post is offencive or gone to far then it should be removed,
i think the main problem is people get banned without being giving a reason, when people ask why so n so has been banned AGAIN no reason giving, this then puts peoples backs up resulting in anger at the mods, so in short MODS should give a valid reason when asked why someone has been banned, it would make life so more pleasant
What he said.
Hmm, it turns out astro is still sending hateful emails to stephanie as of this week.
Looks like a loss to me. Loss of companionship, sharing of passion and respect.



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