OK all...went antiquing yesterday up in Boerne and Comfort TX. This is what I came back with..
1st is an vessel from Italy from the late 1800's. Hope this will make a cool vessel..kinda like the heads everyone is doing.. interesting part will have to find a plug like that of a Lunar..any recommendations will give diameter of opening when I get a chance.
2nd and most interesting is this "Electrified Water"- "Drink to your health eight glasses a day!" vessel. Going to try to preserve the label during the cleaning stage, as it makes the vessel.
As you can tell it needs a cleaning..any recommendations as how to clean the inside of this behemoth?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Views: 87
For the 1st globe / vessel I think the best option is to buld your own base compleatly from scratch like people have done with the heads. - A way of doing this could be to buld a wodden or mettle base and then fit a 100w bulb and holder into it and put the globe on top (with a hole cut out in the base of course).
Cleaning the massive bottle - verry hot water and dish soap washed around it - that will probably work.
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Hermit |
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The Lamp Caretaker |
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Arne |
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LampHead |
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Tori |
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Jump Energy MAN |
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Twinkiebabie |
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