Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

OK, what gives guys.  I am using the link for adding pics through the email link as follows: 0c6p1d42ou2658785582@oozinggoo.ning.com  and I get no joy!  Nothing comes through.  I have gotten a new email or refreshed the one I have and tried to resend the photos from my phone and still nothing.  Please help, tired of emailing myself, putting the on the computer from there and then uploading to the site that way.  Want something fast and dirty to post them to my pics.  Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again all!


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it could be the images your trying to upload to large ive had that issue before so had to make the image smaller as in KB's bytes,  the link you posted didnt work for me :-(

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