Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all,

I have an Astro baby that doesn't want to flow too well. I basically get 1 small blob up and down. Doesn't matter how long I leave it on. I currently have it hooked up to a step up converter running at 220v.

Is there something I'm missing or did I just recieve a poop lamp?

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I'm not terribly familiar with converters and how efficient they are, but that looks like it's running cool to me. There are a couple options potentially. To test if it is running to cold, and if more heat would help, try putting a shirt around it for a bit and see if it flows better once it's a little warmer. If it does, then you know what direction you need to go in.

Does it have a normal socket? It might be worth trying just a straight adapter, and using a 120v bulb and see if that does better. Or stepping up to a hotter bulb if possible, like go from 35w to 40w.

A very last ditch effort would be to adjust the fluid itself. Adding a small amount of something like Glycerin would increase the liquid's density, promoting more flow from the wax. But I don't think that should be necessary, and should be reserved as a last chance fix.


Ill try the t-shirt trick and see what happens. I know its not the converter because I use it to power an Astro lamp and it flows really nice. The bulb that came with the Astro Baby is only a 28w which seems too weak to me. It has  the European socket that comes with all Mathmos lamps. The picture I attached is literally all it does and I know from watching other Astro Baby lamps that its supposed to be much more active than mine is.

Thanks for the reply.

The shirt trick worked. Its flowing perfectly now. Im not getting enough heat.

Silas said:

I'm not terribly familiar with converters and how efficient they are, but that looks like it's running cool to me. There are a couple options potentially. To test if it is running to cold, and if more heat would help, try putting a shirt around it for a bit and see if it flows better once it's a little warmer. If it does, then you know what direction you need to go in.

Does it have a normal socket? It might be worth trying just a straight adapter, and using a 120v bulb and see if that does better. Or stepping up to a hotter bulb if possible, like go from 35w to 40w.

A very last ditch effort would be to adjust the fluid itself. Adding a small amount of something like Glycerin would increase the liquid's density, promoting more flow from the wax. But I don't think that should be necessary, and should be reserved as a last chance fix.

That's great to hear! It should be relatively easy to remedy. My older Astro Baby has a screw in e14 base, but the newer ones don't. They take that GU10 Halogen bulb with 2 prongs.

A quick look on google/amazon shows that a 35w GU10 220v bulb is available. I bet that would do the trick!

Awesome! I will check that bulb out. It's obvious the 28w isn't enough. Thanks again!

Silas said:

That's great to hear! It should be relatively easy to remedy. My older Astro Baby has a screw in e14 base, but the newer ones don't. They take that GU10 Halogen bulb with 2 prongs.

A quick look on google/amazon shows that a 35w GU10 220v bulb is available. I bet that would do the trick!

alternatively you could adjust flow with glycerin.

Yeah, I suggested that above as well. Though I tend to hold off making permanent adjustments like that unless I have to.

Arne said:

alternatively you could adjust flow with glycerin.

Yea considering it's a Mathmos I'd rather not tamper with taking the cap off etc. 

Is this a clear/blue special fill? Mathmos released a clear/blue and clear/green special fill and both had issues with flow. Something is wrong with the formulation, but as you found they can achieve normal flow if you use a hotter bulb. I use 35w bulbs for these.

Hmm. I don't believe so. It's blue wax and blue liquid. It has a 28w bulb wich seems low to me.

Autumn said:

Is this a clear/blue special fill? Mathmos released a clear/blue and clear/green special fill and both had issues with flow. Something is wrong with the formulation, but as you found they can achieve normal flow if you use a hotter bulb. I use 35w bulbs for these.

Autumn said:

Is this a clear/blue special fill? Mathmos released a clear/blue and clear/green special fill and both had issues with flow. Something is wrong with the formulation, but as you found they can achieve normal flow if you use a hotter bulb. I use 35w bulbs for these.


I found that step-up transformers need to be at least 100% overrated in wattage to work properly

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