Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all, posting on behalf of my dad who has recently bought a Crestworth Crystalite fibre optic lamp. It has an unusual mechanism which flicks the colour wheel around rather than gradually spinning it. Unfortunately the mechanism appears to have been broken over the years and parts appear to have rusted off and gone missing. Does anyone have any pictures of a working mechanism?

I’ve uploaded some pictures from the ad it was bought from. It’s been cleaned up now so looks a lot better. I think the layer of dirt and nicotine has helped to preserve it! They seem to be particularly rare compared to the Phantomlite and Galaxy fibre optics that Crestworth sold at the time. It looks quite similar to the Crestworth Aromalite. It also seems unusual that it’s copper; we can only find pictures of them in chrome.

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Can we see a picture of the internals to give some assist on this, would appreciate it. thanks.

Crestworth usually patented anything they developed/invented, try searching espacenet or any other patent search engine for a description.

it use to be on espacenet as i saved/printed it off if you can find it i'll scan mine in

Nice lamp, should look amazing once the spray has been cleaned and the colourwheel fixed.

Thanks Johnny! I was looking through the Crestworth patents and couldn't find that one.

i tried as well and couldnt find it under crestworth / crest...ltd, edward craven walker. in the end i dug my printed one out and stuck the patent no. in :-)  if you post pics of the insides of the lamp i may be able to help you as i owned the flick version in the past

Still no internal pics?

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