I was on a roll a couple of weeks ago and repaired 3 lamps in about 1 hour. (plus time for the wax to melt) The first 2 were coil problems (see my blog
https://oozinggoo.ning.com/profiles/blogs/lamp-repair ) I had to pop the top on both of those and remove the coil. The first one had to be cleaned and I was able to do it cold. The second one had to be untwisted and I had to melt the wax to get the coil…
Added by Keith on June 11, 2010 at 12:53pm —
1 Comment
Well I finally took the plunge and decided to open and repair a few lamps. It was actually not hard at all. I had just found a lamp at a thrift store that was in bad shape, but for $4.00, i figured if I couldn't fix it, at least I would have another base and a globe to work with in the future.

First thing to do is get all of your tools and supplies ready! Flat bottle opener,…
Added by Keith on June 11, 2010 at 10:30am —
I see so many used lava lamps for sale at thrift stores, e-bay, ect - but they are always missing the top caps! Is there any source for buying just the top pieces that I don't know about? Anyone out there in Lavaland who has any top pieces for sale or trade or whatever? And also, I have a lava lamp globe in which the lava has separated into two different components. One part of it floats on top of the water, One part always stays on the bottom. When the stuff is cold, both parts are solid. When…
Added by Trish Baumann on June 10, 2010 at 4:18pm —
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Despite not having enough wax to start, then filling the lamp with so much liquid it nearly burst at the seams, I now have a beautifullly flowing custom lamp. Quite surprising as the minute it started to flow for the first time I knocked it off it's stand and sent millions of tiny bubbles of wax whooshing through the liquid. If anything though that seems to have helped the flow.
I now have a dilema though, i was going to post photo's of my work to date, but now the lamp is so close to…
Added by D Newnham on June 8, 2010 at 8:51am —
Despite a slightly heavy weekend I've had a go a making my own custom bottle lamp. I got an old knock off lamp from the market on saturday and emptied, heated, poured etc this evening. I think I'll have to see the results (I am anxiously waiting for it too warm up as I write) before deciding what I did right or wrong. However I have definately learnt how messy a process it is. Once the wax is out of the bottle it has a life of it's own. By the time you account for all the little bits stuck to…
Added by D Newnham on June 6, 2010 at 4:32pm —
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Well I just thought I would brag a little bit today. A few days ago I saw someone selling two starships for $10 each on craigslist. They were black with blue liquid and yellow lava which happens to be my favorite color combination. All together I paid $35!
Oh and yesterday I got a mint condition Americana for $8! What a weekend.…
Added by Autumn on June 5, 2010 at 4:31pm —
Just a quick post today. I'm very tired from helping a friend collect boxes and pallets to move house, picking up my own junk from storage at a friend's and squeezing in time to pick up two ebay purchases. Was nice though I got home unpacked the car (amazing how much will fit in a VW Polo) and discovered my other two ebay purchases had arrived. Plugged everything in to try it and sat down to check my email whilst it all warms up. Really lovely to find friendly responses to my blog,…
Added by D Newnham on June 3, 2010 at 3:24pm —
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Looking at my new/knackered Color Fountain, I made the assumtion that is was an oil/water mix and that the water must have become full of bacterial goo over time. I carefully drained the lamp, making a real mess as I did and then haphazardly filtered it through kitchen towel. I realised it was all oily substance and tried mixing a little WD40 with a sample of it to make up for lost liquid. Not a great success. I refilled the lamp and switched on. The bodged circuit board wasn't holding so that…
Added by D Newnham on June 2, 2010 at 5:19am —
Thanks to Dr. What & LampHead, I decided I was gonna try to create a metallic lamp & take lots of pictures to document it, even if I screwed it up! So, here's a bit of a how to guide & ALL suggestions, tips & comments are encouraged!
Let's start with a list of supplies I used.
- 52 oz. Century Screw cap globe
- Large glass pitcher
- Large…
Added by ☆VixenGypsy☆ on June 1, 2010 at 2:43pm —
Where it began...again

I've had many lava lamps over the years and like my Action Men, Star Wars Toys, watches etc I failed to realise what they were worth until they were long gone. Then a…
Added by D Newnham on June 1, 2010 at 7:15am —
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